Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where Will the Money Come From?

"Out of the Comfort Zone", by George Verwer, is about how you can raise the money to be able to go overseas. He talks about how missionaries live by faith in that they don't receive a normal salary, but rely on God to provide for them. According to Verwer, "it is ultimately God who provides all our resources and who deserves our gratitude" (Verwer 1). He also says that we need to move away from the attitude that says talking about money is unspiritual. God wants those who preach the gospel to to receive their living from the gospel. Verwer says we must not feel bad or guilty for asking people for donations for our missions. Churches must be well informed about all their missionaries' needs.

I really appreciated what this article said. I know so many people who are afraid of asking for money for their mission work. The church is crucial in supporting you. You must let them know what you're doing so they can help provide for you.I think one of the things you must do is be able to ask and accept money for the mission work. The thing I don't get is how when you ask for money, you pay it back. I don't
think missionaries do that because they have no money to give back. They barely receive enough as it is. However, we must rely on God to provide for us.

Verwer, George. "Out of the Comfort Zone, Chapter 6." Network for Strategic Missions (2001): 1. Web. 21 Apr 2010. .