Thursday, April 8, 2010

Being a Missionary

"Being a Missionary" by John Warkenton, is about how it is being a missionary. He interviews several people of what their opinion of missionaries are and what it's like to be a missionary. "It's not about anything I say, it's not about anything I do, it's about the God of the universe living inside of me and shining through me," says one person John interviewed. One said that she liked being a missionary because it has challenged her to walk more closely with Jesus and to trust and depend on Him more and more everyday. It's all about knowing God's will for you.

I really liked this video, because it gave both sides of the package- opinions of missionaries and what it's like to be a missionary. My favorite quote is the one about Jesus living in our hearts and shining through us. Without Him, we are nothing. One thing I might need to work on is a sense of humor. Most people say I'm a pretty serious person. From this video, I learned that a missionary is someone who leaves their home country to go somewhere else to teach the love of God. They may eat strange foods, sweat a lot, and be in uncomfortable situations. Like I said earlier, you've got to have a passion for telling people about Christ to be a missionary.

"Being a Missionary." YouTube. Web. 8 April 2010.